Free Training: Leadership Secrets of 'Top 1%' CEOs

CEOs and Senior Teams:

Work better, together.

Discover how to build alignment, accountability, and trust in 90 days (or less)!

You’re the CEO, the President, the Managing Director.

A committed, high-achieving leader who knows that the success of your organization depends on your ability to make progress against your goals every day.

And not just any progress but progress on the business' most important strategic challenges and opportunities.

Without this ability to execute, your business is in trouble.

Sands Leadership can help.

The truth is that most leadership training and development programs don't work.

"Discover your strengths." "Measure what matters." "Start with why." It's all interesting, insightful, and well-intentioned, but, unfortunately, these programs rarely lead to lasting change.

Let's face it; there’s a huge difference between organizing an entertaining team-building session and forever changing the habits and behaviors of your team.

I just had an amazing sales call,

I cannot wait for the next one! I was able to help my client step into her feminine energy and really visualize it.

Rachael Weaver

Title, Company or Location Goes Here

We were growing rapidly, and we looked to Ben to help us drive alignment across the organization. Ben worked with us to create an operating system that has set Fifth Wall up for long-term, sustainable, repeatable results. Ben has helped set up Fifth Wall for success, and it was a privilege to work with him.”

Brendan Wallace

Co-Founder & CEO, Fifth Wall

There’s a better way...

At Sands Leadership, we use an innovative live group coaching model to teach teams a simple, scalable approach to strategy execution that works.

It’s not just training; it’s coaching.

We will share the practices and habits of the best companies in the world, then work alongside you as you apply these ideas within your organization.

The entire process takes less than 90 days and, best of all, won’t require you to beg, bribe, or threaten 😊 anyone to get their buy-in. Teams love this work.

Welcome to our site.

Learn why and how we do what we do on our About page. Then visit our Success Stories page and meet some of the people we’ve worked with.

And when you’re ready, click the link below to watch my free training on the strategies that the best CEOs and senior leaders use to create happier, healthier, higher-performing teams.

Welcome to

I can't wait to meet you and your team.

Ben Sands

Founder & Head Coach

Yesterday, I signed my 4th coaching client! Pilot program full!

Shelly West

Title, Company or Location Goes Here

Yesterday, I signed my 4th coaching client! Pilot program full!

Shelly West

Title, Company or Location Goes Here

I enrolled 2 new students today. First 2 in 1 day ever!

Sara Ceo

Title, Company or Location Goes Here

I run a global, PE-backed industrial service business serving a uniquely large and diverse global market. Our opportunity is incredible, and so are the challenges! Over the past few years, Ben has helped me and my leadership team build systems to drive greater clarity, alignment, and accountability across our global team. Personally, Ben serves as a sounding board, a thought partner and creative catalyst — helping me to lead in a way that is not only impactful, but also consistent with my mission to build a life-giving, high performing organization. I can say with confidence that IGS is both healthier and more profitable due to our work with Ben and the team at Sands Leadership.

Rich Crawford

CEO, Integrated Global Services

I hired Ben to help my senior leadership team rethink our approach to engaging their teams. At the time the organization was navigating a volatile business environment, and we needed to make some changes to the way we were working together. Ben's 8-week coaching program was simple and efficient — helping us all take action to become healthier, more focused, and more intentional; improving both the way we collaborate and lead. I highly recommend Ben's coaching program to any leader looking to more quickly build alignment and trust within their team.

Travis Warren

SVP, Blackbaud

An unwavering guide in my personal and professional growth, Ben provides warm, grounded, and insightful coaching. He holds me accountable to fulfilling my calling and purpose not only as a technology executive, but in all of my life. I am deeply thankful for Ben.

Dan Grimm


At Omatic, one of our values is to “make people awesome”, so we are always looking for opportunities to invest in our people and leaders. We engaged Ben to work with our team members to further enhance their leadership and execution effectiveness. Ben’s “Breakthrough” coaching program helped our team better understand themselves and others. This increased our alignment, accountability, and trust and made it easier to get our most important work done!

Ken Haigh

COO + CTO, Omatic Software

"I've got 1,000 families counting on me... With Ben's support, I've been able to create a bold vision for the company, get people excited about it, and build a culture around it. As a result, we're operating faster and more efficiently than ever before…despite constant market challenges."

Jeff Davoud

CEO, Old Dominion Industries

Our company has big goals, and I reached out to Ben to get help managing the many competing demands on my time. While his coaching and counsel have been invaluable in helping me to become a healthier, more effective, and more focused leader, it's done more than that — it's helped me to better understand who I am and how to lead in a more values-aligned way. My team has noticed the changes — and so have my kids! If you are a leader looking to improve your health, focus, and efficiency, I highly recommend working with Ben.

Jared Pope

Founder & CEO, WorkShield